Intel CES – 2018 Keynote Pre-show

Intel brought in [namethemachine] to design and program the interactive data visuals for their CES 2018 Intel Keynote pre-show performance. The dance spectacle featured state-of-the-art technologies such as motion tracking, drones, real-time animation, and floating LEDs. Imaginex developed a custom solution for the flying LED tubes to move and change colors based on dancer Sophie Santella’s choreography. 


240 LED Winch Nodes
16-bit DMX
Artnet Universes
Custom Control interface

Produced and Directed by Clarity Creative for Intel

Produced and Directed by Clarity Creative for Intel ft. a rockstar team of creative developers led by [namethemachine]:

Interactive Visuals Designer / Director:Peter Sistrom
Fluid/flex solver system and rendering:Vincent Houze
Procedural tools designer:Mary Franck
ArtNet LED Orb control in dance portion:Eric Mintzer & Lucas Morgan
Data Graphics & Interactive Assets:Dom Davis & Evan Pierre
Data Graphics, Interactive Assets, & Lead Hardware Tech:Max Chang